Over Emily Dickinson's for Thanksgiving: 16 Poems

A Bird came down the Walk
A Bird came down the Walk--
He did not know I saw--
He bit an Angleworm in halves
And ate the fellow, raw,
And then he drank a Dew
From a convenient Grass--
And then hopped sidewise to the Wall
To let a Beetle pass--
He glanced with rapid eyes
That hurried all around--
They looked like frightened Beads, I thought--
He stirred his Velvet Head
Like one in danger, Cautious,
I offered him a Crumb
And he unrolled his feathers
And rowed him softer home--
Than Oars divide the Ocean,
Too silver for a seam--
Or Butterflies, off Banks of Noon
Leap, plashless as they swim.
God gave a Loaf to every Bird
God gave a Loaf to every Bird--
But just a Crumb--to Me--
I dare not eat it--tho' I starve--
My poignant luxury--
To own it--touch it--
Prove the feat--that made the Pellet mine--
Too happy--for my Sparrow's chance--
For Ampler Coveting--
It might be Famine--all around--
I could not miss an Ear--
Such Plenty smiles upon my Board--
My Garner shows so fair--
I wonder how the Rich--may feel--
An Indiaman--An Earl--
I deem that I--with but a Crumb--
Am Sovereign of them all--

He ate and drank the precious Words
He ate and drank the precious Words--
His Spirit grew robust--
He knew no more that he was poor,
Nor that his frame was Dust--
He danced along the dingy Days
And this Bequest of Wings
Was but a Book--What Liberty
A loosened spirit brings--
I bring an unaccustomed wine
I bring an unaccustomed wine
To lips long parching
Next to mine,
And summon them to drink;
Crackling with fever, they Essay,
I turn my brimming eyes away,
And come next hour to look.
The hands still hug the tardy glass--
The lips I would have cooled, alas--
Are so superfluous Cold--
I would as soon attempt to warm
The bosoms where the frost has lain
Ages beneath the mould--
Some other thirsty there may be
To whom this would have pointed me
Had it remained to speak--
And so I always bear the cup
If, haply, mine may be the drop
Some pilgrim thirst to slake--
If, haply, any say to me
"Unto the little, unto me,"
When I at last awake.

I had been hungry, all the Years
I had been hungry, all the Years--
My Noon had Come--to dine--
I, trembling, drew the Table near--
And touched the Curious Wine--
'Twas this on Tables I had seen--
When turning, hungry, Home
I looked in Windows, for the Wealth
I could not hope--for Mine--
I did not know the ample Bread--
'Twas so unlike the Crumb
The birds and I had often shared
In Nature's Dining-Room--
The Plenty hurt me--'twas so new--
Myself felt ill--and odd--
As Berry--of A Mountain Bush
Transplanted--to the Road--
Nor was I hungry--so I found
That Hunger--was a way
Of Persons outside Windows--
The Entering--takes away--
I meant to have but modest needs
I meant to have but modest needs--
Such as Content--and Heaven--
Within my income--these could lie
And Life and I--keep even--
But since the last--included both--
It would suffice my Prayer
But just for One--to stipulate--
And Grace would grant the Pair--
And so--upon this wise--I prayed--
Great Spirit--Give to me
A Heaven not so large as Yours,
But large enough--for me--
A Smile suffused Jehovah's face--
The Cherubim--withdrew--
Grave Saints stole out to look at me--
And showed their dimples--too--
I left the Place, with all my might--
I threw my Prayer away--
The Quiet Ages picked it up--
And Judgment--twinkled--too--
Tat one so honest--be extant--
It take the Tale for true--
That "Whatsoever Ye shall ask--
Itself be given You"--
But I, grown shrewder--scan the Skies
With a suspicious Air--
As Children--swindled for the first
All Swindlers--be--infer--
I worked for chaff and earning Wheat
I worked for chaff and earning Wheat
Was haughty and betrayed.
What right had Fields to arbitrate
In matters ratified?
I tasted Wheat and hated Chaff
And thanked the ample friend--
Wisdom is more becoming viewed
At distance than at hand.

It sifts from Leaden Sieves
It sifts from Leaden Sieves--
It powders all the Wood.
It fills with Alabaster Wool
The Wrinkles of the Road--
It makes an Even Face
Of Mountain and of Plain--
Unbroken Forehead from the East
Unto the East again--
It reaches to the Fence--
It wraps it Rail by Rail
Till it is lost in Fleeces--
It deals Celestial Veil
To Stump and Stack--and Stem--
A Summer's empty Room--
Acres of Joints where Harvests were,
Recordless, but for them--
It Ruffles Wrists of Posts
As Ankles of a Queen--
Then stills its Artisans--like Ghosts,
Denying they have been--
One Blessing had I than the rest
One Blessing had I than the rest
So larger to my Eyes
That I stopped gauging--satisfied--
For this enchanted size--
It was the limit of my Dream--
The focus of my Prayer--
A perfect--paralyzing Bliss--
Contented as Despair--
I knew no more of Want--or Cold--
Phantasms both become
For this new Value in the Soul--
Supremest Earthly Sum--
The Heaven below the Heaven above--
Obscured with ruddier Blue--
Life's Latitudes leant over--full--
The Judgment perished--too--
Why Bliss so scantily disburse--
Why Paradise defer--
Why Floods be served to Us--in Bowls--
I speculate no more--

One Day is there of the Series
One Day is there of the Series
Termed Thanksgiving Day.
Celebrated part at Table
Part in Memory.
Neither Patriarch nor Pussy
I dissect the Play
Seems it to my Hooded thinking
Reflex Holiday.
Had there been no sharp Subtraction
From the early Sum--
Not an Acre or a Caption
Where was once a Room--
Not a Mention, whose small Pebble
Wrinkled any Sea,
Unto Such, were such Assembly
'Twere Thanksgiving Day.
Prayer is the little implement
Prayer is the little implement
Through which Men reach
Where Presence--is denied them.
They fling their Speech
By means of it--in God's Ear--
If then He hear--
This sums the Apparatus
Comprised in Prayer--
They won't frown alway--some sweet Day
They won't frown alway--some sweet Day
When I forget to tease--
They'll recollect how cold I looked
And how I just said "Please."
Then They will hasten to the Door
To call the little Girl
Who cannot thank Them for the Ice
That filled the lisping full.

'Twas just this time, last year, I died
'Twas just this time, last year, I died.
I know I heard the Corn,
When I was carried by the Farms--
It had the Tassels on--
I thought how yellow it would look--
When Richard went to mill--
And then, I wanted to get out,
But something held my will.
I thought just how Red--Apples wedged
The Stubble's joints between--
And the Carts stooping round the fields
To take the Pumpkins in--
I wondered which would miss me, least,
And when Thanksgiving, came,
If Father'd multiply the plates--
To make an even Sum--
And would it blur the Christmas glee
My Stocking hang too high
For any Santa Claus to reach
The Altitude of me--
But this sort, grieved myself,
And so, I thought the other way,
How just this time, some perfect year--
Themself, should come to me--
It was too late for man,
But early yet for God;
Creation impotent to help,
But prayer remained our side.
How excellent the heaven,
When earth cannot be had;
How hospitable, then, the face
Of our old neighbor, God!
Undue Significance a starving man attaches
Undue Significance a starving man attaches
To Food--
Far off--He sighs--and therefore--Hopeless--
And therefore--Good--
Partaken--it relieves--indeed--
But proves us
That Spices fly
In the Receipt--It was the Distance--
Was Savory--
Unto my Books--so good to turn
Unto my Books--so good to turn--
Far ends of tired Days--
It half endears the Abstinence--
And Pain--is missed--in Praise--
As Flavors--cheer Retarded Guests
With Banquettings to be--
So Spices--stimulate the time
Till my small Library--
It may be Wilderness--without--
Far feet of failing Men--
But Holiday--excludes the night--
And it is Bells--within--
I thank these Kinsmen of the Shelf--
Their Countenances Kid
Enamor--in Prospective--
And satisfy--obtained--
Victory comes late
Victory comes late--
And is held low to freezing lips--
Too rapt with frost
To take it--
How sweet it would have tasted--
Just a Drop--
Was God so economical?
His Table's spread too high for Us--
Unless We dine on tiptoe--
Crumbs--fit such little mouths--
Cherries--suit Robbins--
The Eagle's Golden Breakfast strangles--Them--
God keep His Oath to Sparrows--
Who of little Love--know how to starve--

Wow! Thanks for sharing this wonderful collection of poetry from Emily :-) She is one of my favorite poets, and I loved how pictures of her and her home were interspersed among the poems.
Bud, thanks for making my day :-)
Hi M.
I loved putting this one together, and am now very glad it found a true lover of Emily D.
A lovely collection - we linked it on the page for Emily Dickinson in the 21st Century - come visit us: http://www.facebook.com/SecretLifeOfEmilyDickinson
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